Engineered protein hydrogels as biomimetic cellular scaffolds
Liu Y., Gilchrist, A.E., Heilshorn, S.C., Advanced Materials (2024) Link

Engineered matrices reveal stiffness-mediated chemoresistance in patient-derived pancreatic cancer organoids through hyaluronan-CD44 interactions
LeSavage B.L., Zhang D.,* Huerta-López C.,* Gilchrist A.E.,* Krajina B.A., Karlsson K., Smith A.R., Karagyozova K., Klett K.C., Huang M.S., Long C., Kaber G., Madl C.M., Bollyky P.L., Curtis C., Kuo C.J., Heilshorn S.C., Nature Materials (2024) Link

Gelatin maleimide microgels for hematopoietic progenitor cell encapsulation
Thompson, G.B., Gilchrist, A.E., Lam, V.M., Nunes, A.C., Payan, B.A., Mora-Boza, A., Serrano, J.F., García, A.J., Harley, B.A.C. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A (2024) Link

Transient competitors to modulate dynamic covalent crosslinking of recombinant hydrogels
Gilchrist, A.E., Liu Y., Klett K., Liu Y., Ceva S., Heilshorn, S.C. Chemistry of Materials (2023) Link

Design parameters for injectable biopolymeric hydrogels with dynamic covalent chemistry crosslinks
De Paiva Narciso, N., Navarro, R.S., Gilchrist, A.E., Trigo, M.L., Rodriquez, G.A., Heilshorn, S.C. Advanced Healthcare Materials (2023) Link

Identification of the differentiation stages of living cells from the six most immature murine hematopoietic cell populations by multivariate analysis of single-cell Raman
Pastrana-Otero I., Majumdar S., Gilchrist A.E., Harley B.A.C., Kraft M.L. Analytical Chemistry (2022) Link
Engineered tissue models to replicate dynamic interactions within the hematopoietic stem cell niche
Gilchrist A.E., Harley B.A.C. Advanced Healthcare Materials (2022) Link
(Review; Special Issue: A Tribute To Professor Nicholas Peppas)
Hydrogels containing gradients in vascular density reveal dose-dependent role of angiocrine cues on stem cell behavior
Ngo M.T., Barnhouse V.R., Gilchrist A.E., Mahadik B.P., Hunter C.J., Hensold J.N., Petrikas N., Harley B.A.C. Advanced Functional Materials (2021) Link
Encapsulation of murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in a thiol-crosslinked maleimide-functionalized gelatin hydrogel
Gilchrist A.E., Serrano J.F., Ngo M.T., Hrnjak Z., Kim S., Harley B.A.C. Acta Biomaterialia (2021) Link
Precise control of synthetic hydrogel network structure via linear, independent synthesis-swelling relationships
Richbourg N.R., Wancura M., Gilchrist A.E., Toubbeh S., Harley B.A.C., Cosgriff-Hernandez E., Peppas N.A. Science Advances (2021) Link
Development of an inexpensive Raman-compatible substrate for the construction of a microarray screening platform
Pastrana-Otero I., Majumdar S., Gilchrist A. E., Gorman B. L., Harley B. A. C., Kraft M. L. Analyst (2020) Link
Connecting secretome to hematopoietic stem cell phenotype shifts in an engineered bone marrow niche
Gilchrist A.E., Harley B.A.C. Integrative Biology (2020) Link
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Soluble signals and remodeling in a synthetic gelatin-based hematopoietic stem cell niche
Gilchrist A.E., Lee S. Hu Y., Harley B.A.C. Advanced Healthcare Materials (2019) Link
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